====== Journals ====== This page lists journals and transactions that are of interest to the FL&C group. ^ Name ^ GRIN ^ Area ^ Class ^ ^ ^ Ranking ^ ^ (DEI) ^ | IEEE TComp | A | General | A | | ACM TOCS | A | General | A | | IEEE Computer | B | General | | | ACM TOPLAS | A | Compilers | A | | ACM TACO | A | Compilers/Architecture | A | | IEEE Trans. on Parallel & Distributed Systems | A | Parallelism | A | | Journal of Parallel & Distributed Computing | A | Parallelism | A | | Journal of Instruction Level Parallelism | | Parallelism | | | Distributed Computing | A | Parallelism | A | | Concurrency & Computation - Pract. & Exp. | A | Parallelism | A | | Parallel Computing | A | Parallelism | A | | Software Practice and Experience | A | Software | A | | IEEE Micro | B | Architecture | | | Journal of System Architecture | C | Architecture | | | Journal of Systems & Software | A | Architecture | A | | IEEE TCAD | A | EDA | A | | IEEE TVLSI | B | EDA | A | | ACM TODAES | B | EDA | A | | DAES | C | EDA | | | Formal Methods in System Design | A | EDA | A | | IEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems | C | EDA | A | | ACM TECS | A | Embedded Systems | A | | ACM Tr. Reconfigurable Tech. & Sys. | | FPGA? | A | | Journal of Computer Security | A | Security | A | FIXME Add links, divide by area, add formal language related stuff.